Analysis of Polycrystalline Microstructure of AlMgSc Alloy Observed by 3D EBSD
3D EBSD, grain boundaries, misorientation, polycrystalline microstructure, statistical image analysisAbstract
The aim of this paper is to evaluate an ambitious imaging experiment and to contribute to the methodology of statistical inference of the three-dimensional microstructure of polycrystalline materials. The microstructure of the considered Al-3Mg-0.2Sc alloy was investigated by three-dimensional electron backscattered diffraction (3D-EBSD), i.e., tomographic imaging with xenon plasma focused ion beam (Xe-FIB) alongside EBSD. The samples were subjected to severe plastic deformations by equal channel angular pressing (ECAP) and annealed subsequently prior to the mapping. First we compared the misorientation level needed for a reliable segmentation of grains distinguishing between conventional evaluation of two-dimensional cuts and the 3D data set. Then, using methods of descriptive spatial statistics, various morphological characteristics of a large number of grains were analyzed, as well as the crystallographic texture and the spatial distribution of grain boundaries. According to the results stated so far in the literature, an even microstructure was expected, nevertheless local inhomogeneities in grains and grain boundaries with regard to their size, texture and spatial distribution were observed and justified.
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